Micrographic & Misc. Product Information Downloads
Misc information for new & old equipment, supplies, etc. for your information (in alphabetical order).
World Micrographics, Inc. accepts no responsibility for errors or changes – this information is provided solely as a service for our customers.
ScanPro Standard Models Brochure
If you’re looking for the most precise image quality available, the ScanPro 2500 is for you.
ScanPro i9500 Microfilm Scanner
If you’re looking for the most precise image quality available, the ScanPro i9500 is for you.
ScanPro All-In-One Models Brochure
Select the ScanPro All-In-One model that has the features and solutions.
OCR Software Brochure
PowerScan Productivity Suite OCR software with SNAP gives you ease-of-use.
CMI 16-D Diazo Roll Duplicator designed to be a low volume, table top unit.
Canon Rotary Microfilmer
A9 IV Microfilm Duplicator
Motorized reader for 16mm rollfilm
ALOS CC900 & CC900M
Universal film carriers
ALOS Planetary Camera 41
Dependable camera for high-volume Applications.
ALOS Z40 Reader-Printer
Compact, energy-efficient, plain paper reader-printer
ALOS Z43 Reader Printer
Highly functional plain paper reader-printer
ALOS Z-Scan 46
Connect your ALOS Z-Scan 46 to both printer and PC
ALOS Z-Scan 46-II
Connect your ALOS Z-Scan 46 to both printer and PC
ALOS Z-Scan 47
Connect your ALOS Z-Scan 46 to both printer and PC
(Kodak Prostar) Archive Processor
Sales brochure
(Kodak Prostar) Archive Processor
Operator manual
Inexpensive 16 mm hand crank viewer
Contex CHAMELEON Sx 25”
Overhead color camera scanner for books and documents
Desktop Teller Check Scanner by Canon
Desktop Teller Check Scanner by Canon
CV-Series of Diazo Developers
Employs a unique one pass-through Ammonia Vaporizing System.
4/8 Channel Real Time Embedded Linux DVR
Currency Discriminator Counter
DRS 3000
Eye Com Digital Retrieval Solution
The DRS5000 is an easy to use microfilm reader/scanner
DRS 5000 Universal
Installation Guide
EC400 Simplex Document Rotary Camera from Eye Com
EC400 Duplex Rotary Check Camera from Eye Com
EC1000 Fiche Reader
75% COM Reader from Eye Com.
EC1000 & EC2000 Fiche Reader
Operator/Parts Manual
EC1100 Fiche Reader
Full Size Source Reader from Eye Com.
EC1100 Fiche Reader
Operator/Parts Manual
EC1200 Image Rotation Reader
Operator/Parts Manual
EC2000 Fiche Reader
90% COM Reader from Eye Com.
EC2100 Briefcase Reader
Operator/Parts Manual.
EC3000 Fiche Reader
Full Size COM Reader from Eye Com.
EC3000 Fiche Reader
Operator/Parts Manual
EC6000 Reader
Engineering Reader from Eye Com.
EC6000 Engineering Reader
EC6000 Operating/Parts Manual
EC7000 Dual Page Reader
EC7000 Operating/Parts Manual
Eye Com EC8100
Hazardous Location reader
Eye Com EC8500
Hazardous Location Reader
Eye Com Desktop Readers
Sales Brochure
Eye Com Lamps and Sockets
Readers and Reader Printers
Eye Com Portable Readers
Sales Brochure
Eye Com Speciality Readers
Sales Brochure
Eye Com Toner
Manufacturer/EC Product/Packaging
Eye Com Microform Cabinets
Sales Literature / Capacites
Eye Com Readers Lens Chart
Models/Lens Size
Eye Com Eye Drive
Sales Brochure
Fuji Film
Film/Chemistry Listing
Fiche Exposure Unit
Tablet microfiche scanner
Manual – old
User guide – new
ImageMouse Quick Reference Guide
Operating instructions
ImageMouse Installation Instructions
Windows XP Platform
ImageMouse Plus
Sales brochure
ImageMouse Plus
Indus Series 3 Processor
Sales Literature
Lamp reference chart
Sales literature
(Kodak Imagelink) Microimager 30
High speed scanner by Kodak
Micron Readers
300, 700 series
NW2020 Library Reader
Sales Brochure
PrintMaster 10,000
Bimode, Plain Paper Reader/Printer from Eye Com
(Kodak) Prostar Microfilm Processor
RC40 & RC40M Rollfilm Carrier
For the ALOS Z40, Minolta 600Z and Bell+Howell ABR 2000 Reader-Printers
RC53 & RC53M Rollfilm Carrier
For the ALOS Z43, Minolta RP603Z, 605Z, 606Z, 607Z, MS1000, MS2000, MS3000, MicroSP2000, MicroSP300, MS6000, MS7000, Bell+Howell ABR 2300 2400D, 2600, 2700, 2800D, 3000D Reader-Printers / Microform-Scanners
RC60 Rollfilm Carrier
For the PM 10,000 & Canon MP60 Reader – Printer
RC80 Rollfilm Carrier
For the Canon PC80/MP90, MS100/400/500/800 and NP Printers 580/680/780/880/980
Operators manual
R/P 9000 Plain Paper Reader/Printer
Sales Brochure
Russ Bassett Cabinets
Russ Bassett Cabinets
Color Chart
Semacon S-1100 Series High Speed Currency Counters
Sales Literature
Semacon S-1400 Series Bank Grade Currency Counters
Sales Literature
Semacon S-500 Series SeriesHeavy DutyCoin Sorter / Value Counter
Sales Literature
ScanPro 35
Microfilm Scanner-to-PC for Engineering Size Images on Aperture Cards and 35mm Roll Film
ScanPro 35
Well log scanner
ScanPro 200 & 300
Microfilm Reader Printer ScanPro 200/Scan Microfilm-to-PC ScanPro 300
ScanPro 400
Microfilm Reader Printer plus a Microfilm Scanner-to-PC
ScanPro 400
Cables- How to Connect the ScanPro400 for Use as a Reader Printer or for Use as a Scanner
ScanPro 1000
Sales Brochure
ScanPro 1000
Operator’s Guide
ScanPro 1000
Specification Sheet
ScanPro 1000
PC Computer System Requirements
ScanPro 2000
Sales Brochure
ScanPro 2000
Features & Benefits
ScanPro 2000
PC Requirements for PowerScan Software
ScanPro 2000
Quick Start – Graphic Button Overview
ScanPro 2000
Operator Manual
ScanPro 500
Sales Brochure
ScanPro Products Summery
Sales Brochure for 200, 300, 400, 500, 35
ScanPro Film Carriers
Specifications for the MC1635 and MC1635M motorized combination carriers
ScanPro Lens Selection
Lens Template
ScreenScan™ Model 100
Direct Print ScreenScan Digital Reader Printer (No Computer required)
ScreenScan PC MODEL
Letter Size Microfilm/Microfiche & Opaque Card Scanner
ScreenScan PC MODEL
Microfilm reader-projector designed for the individual and group viewing of 35mm roll microfilm.
Universal Carrier UC50
For the ALOS Z43, Minolta RP 603Z, 605Z, 606Z, 607Z, MS1000, MS2000, MS3000, MicroSP2000, MicroSP3000, MS6000, MS7000, Bell+Howell ABR 2300, 2400D, 2600, 2700, 2800D, 3000D Reader- Printers / Microform-Scanners
Universal Carrier UC59 and UC59M
For the ALOS Z43, Minolta RP 603Z, 605Z, 606Z, 607Z, MS1000, MS2000, MS3000, MicroSP2000, MicroSP300, MS6000, MS7000, Bell+Howell ABR 2300, 2400D, 2600, 2700, 2800D, 3000D Reader- Printers / Microform-Scanners