e-ImageData ScanPro 3500 Microfilm Scanner
The ScanPro® 3500 brings Ultra High Definition to Microfilm
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The ScanPro 3500 re-defines the standards for microfilm scanning. E-ImageData has brought Ultra High Definition to the world of micrographics with their unparalleled 26-megapixel camera – almost twice the resolution of any microfilm scanner. This provides the highest optical resolution with the clearest text. Add the AUTO-Carrier (shown in photo) with Advantage Membership to automatically scan both microfilm and microfiche up to 100 images per minute and jackets up to 70 images per minute making your unit a truly a universal scanner.
Exciting standard features for the ScanPro 3500 PowerScan software
NEW – Powerful 5x–32x optical zoom magnification | Always in focus
Media Formats – 16/35mm/Cartridge (M) Roll Film, Microfiche, Jacket, Micro-opaques, Aperture cards
CLEAR-Text™ patented technology provides black text on a white background with even density. This makes your scans of microfilm clear, clean and crisp.
World Searchable PDF – The ScanPro 3500 uses ABBYY Fine Reader to OCR your microfilm page. This world class OCR software is consistently picked by researchers for accuracy and speed. The additional OCR functions of WORD-Search, INFO-Link, Copy-to-clipboard and word searchable PDF multipage are available with the optional Advantage Membership.
On-Screen Magnifier – lets you inspect the smallest text and image detail.
On Screen Editor – automatically adjusts selected image areas (also selectively erase and redact).
Film Selection Wizard – sets up your scanner for any film application with a single click.
Tabs – keep button controls to a minimum while making all the powerful ScanPro features available.
Custom Crop – scan just the areas you want.
The ScanPro Film Carriers are considered the best in the Industry for public use and precise film positioning
The microfilm carriers supplied with the ScanPro scanners use heavy gauge steel construction throughout and steel bearings on all moving parts. These carriers are used in microfilm conversion applications and in public use applications. These motorized combination carriers utilize a digital micro controller to precisely position the microfilm image on the view screen. The state-of-the-art design of these microfilm carriers makes it possible to position the film image without requiring the use of manual knobs or push button found on old style carriers. These precision controllers make look ups and research faster and easier. E-ImageData developed these precision microform carriers right from the start so that they would have a carrier that could be used as a platform for automatic scanning.
Existing ScanPro scanners can be upgraded to USB3 at any time. This protects your investment from technology obsolence. No other scanner manufacturer provides this capability.
ScanPro 3500 REMOTE-Access™
Access to your ScanPro 3500 from anywhere in the world!
PLEASE NOTE: As the exclusive dealer for the State of Ohio and West Virginia , we sell only within these states. If you are located within this area, please contact us for a free demonstration and pricing. If you are located outside of Ohio or West Virginia, please contact e-ImageData for your local dealer information.
The ScanPro 3500/i9500 high performance, pixel-shifting camera produces the clearest image in the microfilm industry. Pixel-shifting is a state-of-the-art technology being used by some of the best known and respected manufactures in the camera industry, names like Canon, Nikon, Sony, Olympus, Panasonic, Leica, Zeiss, Pentax, Lumix and many others. Although e-ImageData is not the first manufacturer to use pixel-shifting, we are the first and the only manufacturer in the micrographics industry to use this advanced technology to capture higher megapixel images. Using pixel shifting, e-ImageData starts with its largest image sensor in the industry (10.5mm x 7.328mm, 3.5µm2 pixel, 6.6 megapixel sensor), to capture and integrate 4 unique optical images into a single 26 megapixel camera image, the clearest image in the industry.
ScanPro All-In-One Brochure
All prices and specifications subject to change without notice.