877-619-6753 or 614-882-2920 [email protected]

ScanPro 2500


The ScanPro® 2500 Standard is a High Performance and Amazing Low Cost Microfilm Scanner

The ScanPro 2500 Standard is the microfilm scanner of choice for libraries, businesses and researchers facing tight budgets. Priced competitively, it’s the best reader printer replacement producing high quality images.

The ScanPro® 2500 All-In-One is both an on-demand reader-printer scanner and a conversion scanner for roll film, microfiche and jacketed fiche

The ScanPro 2500 All-In-One includes everything you need with the ability to do more as your application requirements grow.

Easy to Use

The ScanPro 2500 software is an intuitive Windows® computer application with familiar icons and text labels. An on-screen help menu is available for all controls to help any user at any time. Skill levels of microfilm users vary from the occasional user to the advanced researcher. You can customizable the tool bar, tabs and button controls to match these skill levels where features can be selected with just a single click. E-ImageData has revolutionized low cost microfilm scanners on the market today.  Plus, no other equipment on the market can match the ScanPro for its proven track record of performance and reliability. 

Same film carriers are on the ScanPro 2500 as on the ScanPro 3500

The ScanPro 2500 uses the same accurate film positioning carriers as the ScanPro 3500. These film carriers are built for the rigors of public use. And, all of the moving parts on these film carriers utilize steel bearings for ease-of-use, precision film movement and trouble free performance. These film carrier are designed to be Library Quiet™ and are ideal for research and study environments.


The ScanPro 2500 Standard and the 2500 All-In-One can be upgraded to the 3500 at any time. Both ScanPro 2500 models come with a 6-month trial ScanPro Advantage membership (SPA) that provides advanced software features. These features include the same capabilities of the ScanPro 3500 (except HD 26MP scanning), AUTO-Scan® Pro that scans up to 100 images per minute, and the powerful PowerScan Productivity Suite (OCR software). To retain of all these features and benefits, an active ScanPro Advantage membership is needed.  The Advantage Membership is $249 year with discounts if multiple years are purchased. No other scanner on the market can provide these upgrade capabilities. Contact us for details.

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ScanPro 2500 Standard brochure

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Scanpro All-in-one Brochure


The FOCUS-Lock feature provides continual image focus both during changes in optical zoom and at the completion of optical zoom without any operator intervention


Convenient front access USB port conveniently located at the lower front left corner of the scanner. This port will accept both USB2 and high speed USB3 portable flash drives.

Word Searchable PDF

The ScanPro 2500 models use ABBYY Fine Reader to OCR your microfilm. This world class OCR software is consistently picked by researchers for accuracy and speed. You can create PDF/A files, the standard for archival storage, with just a single “click”. Only ScanPro scanners provide this capability.

Powerful Editing Tools

Our roll film carriers are designed for quiet operation in library and office settings. Patrons and researchers consider these roll film carriers the best in the industry.

Proven Track Record

Our ScanPro microfilm scanners have a proven track record of performance and reliability backed by factory trained and certified resellers.