Micrographic Equipment and Parts
If you use microfilm, we have the solution you have been looking for.
A Sample Of Our Products
Microfilm Scanners, ScanPro-all-in-one
Welcome to the microfilm revolution! With the multi-award-winning ScanPro® All-In-One™, you can easily read, scan print and convert your images with exceptional speed and accuracy – saving time and saving money. Read More
If you have a Firewire microfilm scanner, it reached end of life support December 2023.
Scroll down this page to the “New Products and Announcements” Section for details on an exciting new upgrade program just announced by e-ImageData Corporation. Upgrade your microfilm scanner to the new ScanPro 2500 or ScanPro 3500 at an amazingly low price!
Kodak Prostar Microfilm Processor Parts and Racks
$5,269.00 for a complete set of all 7 Kodak Prostar Processor racks! (With exchange of your old racks + shipping) Save $1000’s over the cost of new original racks. Read More
Russ Bassett Promedia Cabinets
Russ Bassett Microfilm Cabinets = #1 Choice in High Density Filing
Russ Bassett is the leading designer and manufacturer of media storage products in the United States and the latest contemporary design is optimized for easy access and high capacity.
Indus Microfiche and Roll Film Readers
Indus manufactures a wide variety of readers and viewers to fit any need. Find maintenance free take anywhere hand-held viewers for Source document or aperture card to desktop readers for Source or COM microfiche/jackets and/or roll film. Check our selection under the Microfilm Readers Menu Tab or call us for more information if you are not sure what you need.
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New Products and Announcements

Add Automatic Microfiche and Jacket Scanning
Capability to your ScanPro Microfilm Scanner
ScanPro with AUTO-Carrier
We’re moving microfiche research into the digital age with the newest innovation, the AUTO-Carrier. The AUTO-Carrier is operated entirely by on-screen controls, allowing users to move directly through the fiche image-by-image, anywhere on the fiche, with a single click. In addition, the AUTO-Carrier can automatically scan a range of images or the entire fiche.
ScanPro Advantage Membership may be required for some features.
Firewire models reached their end-of-life cycle December 2023
This means e-ImageData will no longer be able to support FireWire models and your ScanPro will not perform at its best. The new 500 series line comes with a new 3-year factory warranty, free 3-month ScanPro Advantage Membership that includes AUTO-Scan™ Pro software for automatic, high-speed production scanning, free remote customer support. These innovative microfilm scanners provide features and benefits that are simply not available with any other microfilm scanner on the market and is available to you at a price that can’t be beat.
Key Highlights of the ScanPro 2500 and 3500 Models:
• PRECISION-Guide film rollers ensure your film is not drawn across the edges of the glass as the film moves across the glass viewing surface to protect your film from scratches and scrapes during use. Only ScanPro microfilm scanners provide this important film protection
• Continual image focus technology (FOCUS-Lock™) even during optical zoom
• “Library Quiet” double guide-shaft optical zoom system
• Convenient front access USB flash drive port provides ease of use
• ScanPro software is always available online ensuring that you have access to the latest version all-of-the time and at no cost.
Catering to the Consumer
When it comes to our business, we offer our customers a powerful resource by providing one of the best selections of equipment choices anywhere combined with discount pricing that won’t break your budget. We have now added new after-market parts to enhance your choices. Listed below is a sample of services we offer our customers. Please contact us for more info.
Micrographics & Imaging
- New Microfilm Equipment
- Used Microfilm Equipment
- Reconditioned Microfilm Equipment
- Depot Service on Microfilm Equipment
- Film Storage Solutions for all microfilm formats
- Lamps for microfilm equipment
- Supplies; film, jackets, reels, etc.
- NEW – After market parts for Kodak Prostar Processors and Kodak RP Portable Microfilmers
- Parts (We have many hard-to-find parts for older Kodak equipment)
About Us
A Service Oriented Company
We are a service oriented company dedicated to provide only the highest level of customer satisfaction. Our experienced staff will gladly work with you to provide the right solutions – for you. We value your long-term business relationship with us.
Major Brands You Trust
We have one of the largest selections of brand name microfilm products on the internet: e-ImageData (We sell ScanPros in Ohio & West Virginia only) · BMI EyeCom · Russ Bassett Cabinets · Coveris Diazo & Vesicular Duplicating Film · Indus · ALOS · Fuji
We have the best pricing on new equipment and if you need to save additional budget dollars, check our selection of reconditioned equipment.
Depot Service
Send your equipment to us and save repair dollars – call us for details. Our expert technicians can service Kodak MRD-2 Film Units, Prostar Processor racks, RP Portable Microfilmers, Desktop Microfilmer Film Units, etc. We can also recondition your Kodak microfilmers and Prostar Processor Racks. Looking for hard to find parts for your older Kodak equipment? Call us toll free @ 877-619-6753.
World Micrographics, Inc. started in 1997 by former Kodak Field Engineers and the company incorporated in 1999. Our expert associates average over 40 years experience in the field of micrographics. We look for products to keep you on the leading edge while still providing the best values anywhere. We want to earn your trust and continued business relationship.
For any questions regarding our products or services, please contact us by filling out the following form. We will get back to you as soon as possible.