877-619-6753 or 614-882-2920 [email protected]

Microfilm supplies can be expensive and hard to source; most libraries, universities and microfilm-related businesses will agree, it’s rare to find a wide variety of microfilm supplies in one place. Coveris (Exopack) Diazo & Vesicular Duplicating Microfilm, for example, can be very difficult to locate due to minimum stocking (because of expiration dates). And that’s just one of many examples of the kinds of microfilm supplies that World Micrographics has on offer. Whether its microfilm, microfilm storage cabinets, microfiche, microfiche storage or other microfilm-related product you can think of, the chances are World Micrographics can help. Microfilm supplies are often time-consuming to locate, which is why World Micrographics has time honored relationships with most manufacturers specifically for you, with as short a lead time as possible, including useful microfilm supplies, such as Coveris (Exopack) Diazo & Vesicular Duplicating Microfilm. Smart libraries, universities, businesses and researchers choose World Micrographics for microfilm supplies.

For more information about microfilm supplies from World Micrographics, Inc. including information on Coveris (Exopack) Diazo & Vesicular Duplicating Microfilm, visit: http://worldmicrographics.com/duplicating-film/

Microfilm supplies are best sourced from World Micrographics, Inc. They have a fantastic range of products to cater for all your microfilming needs. Coveris (Exopack) Diazo & Vesicular Duplicating Microfilm, along with countless other products, can be ordered with ease from the friendly staff.


Microfilm Supplies of a Wide Variety Offered at World Micrographics, Inc.
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Microfilm Supplies of a Wide Variety Offered at World Micrographics, Inc.
Microfilm supplies are best sourced from World Micrographics, Inc. They have a fantastic range of products to cater for all your microfilming needs. Coveris (Exopack) Diazo & Vesicular Duplicating Microfilm, along with countless other products, can be ordered with ease from the friendly staff.