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A Simple, more versatile microfilm camera

The ALOS Planetary Microfilm Camera 41-II is a dependable camera for high volume applications. It is designed for fast, simple microfilming. Simply place a document on the copy board and the ALOS Planetary Microfilm Camera 41-II automatically selects the correct reduction ratio and the proper focus. Automatic single frame or double frame aperture opening, frame indexing, single corner positioning and auto exposure control are among the other features included. These eliminate the need for manual adjustments.

For further information about Microfilm Cameras from World Micrographics, visit: http://worldmicrographics.com/planetary-microfilm-cameras/

More Versatile Microfilm Cameras
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More Versatile Microfilm Cameras
These Microfilm Cameras are dependable cameras for high volume applications. Simply place a document on the copy board and the microfilm camera will select the proper focus.
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